“A world where no children are born with HIV is truly possible by 2015” Great news to get today - International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day and we have some great information to report. The Global Fund, the organization we work with to put (RED) money on the ground in Africa, has just released a report stating that the virtual elimination of mother to child HIV transmission by 2015 is now within reach if current rates of progress by Global Fund-supported programs and other efforts are maintained. “A world where no children are born with HIV is truly possible by 2015,” says Professor Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund.

This report shows remarkable promise and hope for HIV positive women all over the world who are at risk of passing on the virus to their newborns. And money from your (RED) purchases has helped play a part in this – thank you. (RED) and the Global Fund have already helped to provide more than 84,000 HIV positive pregnant women with preventative antiretroviral therapy to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission - helping to ensure their babies can be born healthy and HIV free.

“This report clearly shows the world’s investments are making a difference,” said Mr Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “However AIDS is not over in any part of the world and without a fully funded Global Fund, our shared dream of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment care and support could become our worst nightmare—putting the lives of millions of people currently on treatment in jeopardy and millions of pregnant women in a position not able to protect their babies from becoming infected.”


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