MUNKASHAF (RAY OF LIGHT) You've Asked. We're Answering.

Thanks so much MUNKASHAF (RAY OF LIGHT) & to all of you who answered our call for questions. We recently asked our fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter: 'what do you want to know about (RED)?' and we've picked out the top 5 questions to respond to.

Here's the answer to question number 1:
How much money has been raised and where does it go?

In the three years since we launched, (RED) partners and events have generated over $130 million to help eliminate aids in Africa. 100% of this money is put to work on the ground in Africa through the Global Fund. (RED) doesn't touch any of this money and the Global Fund does not take any overhead, so every single dollar has impact. To date, the programs supported by (RED) and Global Fund financed grants have reached more than 4 million people.

To determine where the money goes the Global Fund and (RED) agree to select countries where there is both need and where existing Global Fund HIV and AIDS grants are already working effectively. Ensuring results is critical. Currently (RED) money flows to Global Fund financed AIDS grants in 4 African countries: Ghana, Lesotho, Rwanda and Swaziland. And we should be announcing a new country soon!

So, how’s the money used? While each program is unique and designed by the local country, they include antiretroviral treatment for children and adults, treatment to help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, essential counseling and testing activities to reduce the overall risk of HIV transmission, and clear and accurate communications campaigns to promote prevention. Already, the programs (RED) money supports have provided:

111,000 HIV-positive people with antiretroviral therapy.
Over 70,000 HIV positive pregnant women with preventative antiretroviral therapy to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission.
3.4 million people with HIV testing and counseling.
And, beyond this, the programs have helped build health facilities, train health practitioners and care for children orphaned by AIDS.
So although there is more work to be done the impact of (RED) money so far has been overwhelming, thanks of course to your (RED) purchases.


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