Spreading the Word: 'An AIDS Free Generation is Due in 2015'

This World AIDS Day many friends of (RED) shared their thoughts about the goal of creating an AIDS free generation by 2015. Read on to hear what Michel Kazatchkine from the Global Fund, Malaak Compton-Rock, Kelly Rutherford, Alan Cumming, Ethan Zohn and more had to say.

A big thank you to each of them for raising their voices on behalf of this important issue and helping us to raise awareness and educate about this goal.

(RED) CEO Susan Smith Ellis on Huffington Post

(RED) CMO Jen Willig on Tonic.com

(RED) Director, Digital Strategy & Marketing Chrysi Philalithes on 140hope.org

Executive Director of the Global Fund Michel Kazatchine on Huffington Post

Converse CMO Geoff Cottrill on Adage.com

Djimon Hounsou on CNN.com

Kelly Rutherford on Popeater.com

Alan Cumming on Alancumming.com

Malaak Compton-Rock on Parents.com and ONE.org

Lance Bangs, director of (RED)'s documentary The Lazarus Effect, on Tonic.com





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