(NIKE)RED Tackles AIDS with the UK Parliamentary Teams On World AIDS Day

(NIKE) RED was centre-stage at the World AIDS Day Parliamentary football match in London last week. The United Nations football team took on the UK MPs team, to raise awareness of the goal of eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV by 2015. With the help of the great team at Nike, everyone on the United Nations team stood out in their (RED) kit, right down to their (NIKE)RED laces, and declared the possibility of an AIDS Free Generation due in 2015 across their shirts.

The teams braved the snow and ice to play the match, ensuring the message was extended throughout the United Nations community, UK Parliament and throughout the MPs’ constituencies across the UK. The possibility of an AIDS Free Generation is a message that is of significant priority for the UN and Parliamentary teams. Russell Brown MP, Shadow Defence Minister and player on the Parliamentary team, who helped organise the match, had this to say:

“Each year nearly half a million babies are born with HIV or contract it through their mother’s breastmilk. But there are simple and affordable medicines to prevent this. We’re asking the Government to support the campaign for an AIDS Free Generation born in 2015.”


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