(GAP)RED Launches Limited Edition Isabel Marant T for World AIDS Day..

You've asked, (GAP)RED has answered! One of the most frequent questions we get is ‘When will there be new (GAP)RED T's?’ and just in time for the holidays, we would like to announce the latest Limited Edition T from (GAP)RED – The Isabel Marant T! 

 (GAP)RED has collaborated with fashion extraordinaire Isabel Marant to design a one of a kind T-shirt to mark World AIDS Day 2011 on December 1st. With every purchase of this eclectic tee, 50% of the profits will be contributed to The Global Fund to help deliver an AIDS Free Generation by 2015. 

Through November 23rd Gap will be giving away this Special Edition T to 5 lucky followers. Make sure to check out @Gap and @joinRED daily for all the latest details on how you could win and become one of the first to wear the new design.

This (GAP)RED T is currently available online in the US here for $34.95 and will be available at select GAP stores starting November 25th.  There is a limited quantity – so get yours quick and join in on the fight for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015.

Mallory @ (RED)

Welcome to the Fight Against AIDS Ellen Degeneres!

Secretary Clinton Appoints Ellen Degeneres Special Envoy for Global AIDS Awareness.

“Ellen is going to bring not only her sharp wit and her big heart but her impressive TV audience and more than 8 million followers to raise awareness and support for this effort.” – stated Secretary Clinton.

With 2011 marking the 30th anniversary of the discovery of AIDS, we couldn’t think of a better person to be appointed as Special Envoy for Global AIDS Awareness than Ellen Degeneres. We are so lucky that her voice, heart and wit will help shed a light on the AIDS issue at this critical moment in the fight.

We are at a moment of opportunity. The Beginning of the End of AIDS is within our reach. Join (RED) in the fight to deliver an AIDS Free Generation by 2015. Welcome Ellen!

Secretary Clinton - AIDS Free Generation....

Last week, on November 8, 2011, it was a great day in the (RED) office. We all listened and watched as Secretary Clinton called on the world to join the United States in working to achieve the goal of an AIDS Free Generation.

This is a goal that we are all focused on at (RED) with both our brand partners and our partners in the global health and advocacy community.

Every generation is known for something. (RED) wants to be part of the generation that delivers an AIDS FREE GENERATION by 2015. So what exactly does this mean?

1,000 babies are born with HIV everyday. Needlessly. It’s preventable. And we have a chance, for that number to be near zero by 2015.

(RED) welcomed Secretary Clinton’s powerful speech and the US government’s dedication to the fight against AIDS which you can watch here:

Through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and across the government, the United States is using science to guide policies, strengthen programs on the ground, and maximize the impact of U.S. efforts. Three key scientific interventions have been identified as pivotal: stopping mother-to-child transmission, expanding voluntary male circumcision, and scaling up treatment as prevention. When used in combination with each other, condoms and other prevention tools, these three interventions offer a historic opportunity to drive down the worldwide rate of new infection. With a focus on all three, we could start to see the beginning of the end of AIDS by 2015.

(RED)’s specific focus is on the prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to their babies. Today, 1 in 7 new infections worldwide occur through mother-to-child transmission. (RED), through the Global Fund, the recipient of (RED) monies, is focused on the eliminating new infections from mothers to their children by 2015.

We know we can do it and that it will take every single one of us to get there. We all have a role to play. Governments, global health organizations, businesses, faith leaders, non-profits and you. Secretary Clinton has stated the opportunity we have before us. To help make an AIDS FREE GENERATION a reality by 2015.

Let’s start this World AIDS Day – December 1st.

Join (RED) on Facebook where we’ll be breaking our World AIDS Day plans in the coming weeks.

Let's put India first....

Spreading the Joy of LearningSpreading the Joy of LearningSpreading the Joy of LearningSpreading the Joy of Learning

  ITC is Helping the Children of remote areas in India, to LEARN....
by making there Dreams come true...

 Student, Class 5
Vakavaripalem Village,
Prakasam District
Andhra Pradesh.
``I come from a family of agricultural labourers. To make ends meet, I often had to work in the fields along with my parents and could not attend school regularly. I was unable to keep up in class and did poorly in my exams, so I didn't feel like studying. Then
the teachers at our village ITC Supplementary Learning Centre persuaded my parents to send me to evening coaching classes at the Centre. Today I study in Class 5 at the Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School. My average marks in all subjects has gone up to 80% from 40%. I am happy that my parents let me study and I want to complete my education. When I grow up, I want to become a teacher and take care of my parents.


Tomorrow, November 8 2011, (RED) and are sister organization ONE will team up to join BabyCenter, BlogFrog and ABC’s Million Moms Challenge for the Baby Shower for Global Good.

The Baby Shower for Global Good is an 8-hour online party that will be held on Twitter (#AMillionMoms) and in the BabyCenter Community. This cross-platform party will showcase more than 10 non-profits and companies that are helping mothers and children around the world. Organizations such as World Vision, Save the Children, Every Mother Counts, UN Foundation and more will be sharing stories, giving away prizes, and providing educational information about a variety of topics from famine to health workers to children’s health. And ONE and (RED) will be there too!

(RED) and ONE will be the featured organizations from 10 a.m. ET to 11 a.m ET. We’ll be discussing AIDS and our upcoming World AIDS Day campaign. So, join us! We have lots of fun prize packs to give away and we promise you’ll leave inspired for what you can do to make an impact on World AIDS Day. To follow the party, follow the #AMillionMoms hashtag or join us at @ONECampaign.
See you tomorrow!
Lauren Balog, ONE.

P.S. Find (RED) on Twitter at @joinRED & ONE at @ONECampaign

Please Nominate (RED) for the 2011 Mashable Awards.

The call for nominations for the 2011 Mashable Awards is open and we would be so grateful if you could nominate (RED) for Best Social Good Cause Campaign. It will take less than a minute!

Here’s why we’re entering. Because of you and our (RED) partners:

- We've raised $180 Million to fight HIV/AIDS

- 100% of the money goes to work on the ground. No overhead is taken.

-  7.5 Million people have been impacted by Global Fund grants that (RED) supports

-  We are the only cause which currently has over a million friends on both Facebook and Twitter

Please Nominate (RED) here by November 18th 2011. Every day until Nov 18 you can vote once a day via Twitter and Facebook for (RED) for Best Social Good Cause CampaignThank you for your support. We couldn’t do this without you!

UNAIDS Cites (RED) as an Innovative Organization For an AIDS Free Generations in 2015

Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS (United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS), visited South Africa last week and pressed that with political will and increased funding, the world could see an AIDS Free Generation born in 2015. There is a great deal of global interest in the 2015 goal, and UNAIDS cites (RED) as an example of an innovative organization promoting awareness and raising needed resources in helping reach it. 

UNAIDS estimates about 90% of new HIV infections among children are concentrated in 22 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa and India. The Global Plan delivered after the UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS in June 2011 focuses on how to address the challenges in these priority countries, and it emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach that incorporates a broad range of maternal and child health programs, puts utmost importance on country ownership of the programs and emphasizes the need for concrete plans and accountability at every level, from governments down to local communities.
Speaking from the Zola clinic in Soweto, South Africa, one of the 22 most burdened countries with 14% of the global burden, Mr. Sidibé said, “Mother by mother, clinic by clinic, and country by country we can reach pregnant women with HIV services, to ensure their babies are born free from HIV and to improve their own health.” He called on countries to accelerate progress towards the global goal to eliminate new HIV infections amongst children.

Representatives from the 22 high burden countries are meeting in South Africa this week to assess the country plans called for in the Global Plan. The two-day meeting will focus on closing the gap in these countries and creating momentum for the 2015 goal of an AIDS Free Generation being born.

You can read more here.

Thank you for being (RED).


Bono's Tribute to Steve Jobs, a True (RED) Champion..

"What made Steve Jobs truly great is that he was only interested in doing truly great things.  He was bored by an easy ride or easy profit.  In a world littered with dull objects, he brought the beauty of clean lines and clear thought. This rhyme of intellect and intuition could be applied to a wide range of subjects from the US education system, to sculpture, to the fight against HIV/AIDS where his support of (RED) literally transformed the lives of two million people in Africa.

He changed music. He changed film. He changed the personal computer and turned telephony on its head while he was at it.  He was tenacious in the extreme, his toughness never more evident than these past few years in his fight for his life as well as his companies.

Steve told me as proud as he was of Apple and Pixar, his real pride was his family.  He was a thoughtful and tender father, and loved nothing more than hanging out in the house with his belle Laurene and the kids.

I already miss him...one of a very small group of anarchic Americans who through technology literally invented the 21st century. We will all miss the hardware software Elvis."

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011...

The (RED) team would like to express condolences to Steve Jobs' family, friends and colleagues today. Mr. Jobs led Apple into its partnership with (RED) in 2006 and that partnership has helped to save the lives of millions of people with HIV in Africa. We are forever grateful for his leadership.

(RED)’s CEO, Deborah Dugan, Speaks Tonight at UN Event: Every Woman, Every Child

This evening, (RED)’s CEO, Deborah Dugan will speak at the UN Event: Every Woman, Every Child. Hosted by UN Special Envoy for Malaria and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Advocate, Ray Chambers, leaders from the worlds of business, politics, health, culture, and media will discuss the role of maternal and child health in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The health of women and children is at the heart of the Millennium Development Goals. Without addressing the needs of these two populations – at once the most vulnerable members of society and the two groups with the greatest potential to transform the word – we cannot achieve broader goals around poverty, equality, defeating disease, or environmental sustainability.

The evening will host numerous illustrious speakers including Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Desmond Tutu, Christy Turlington Burns, Jennifer Connolly, 50 Cent, Deepak Chopra, President Kikwete (Tanzania), Princess Cristina (Spain), Rajiv Shah (USAID), Tony Lake (UNICEF).

Tonight’s conversation promises to be a dynamic and informative platform to bring new people, organizations, and sectors into the race to meet the Millennium Development Goals.

Meet (RED)’s New CEO: Deborah Dugan

Today is an exciting day. We’re thrilled to announce that Deborah Dugan has joinred the (RED) family as our new CEO.

Deborah's career spans more than 16 years of diverse and pioneering media experience. She formerly served as President of Disney Publishing Worldwide, as Senior Advisor to the Tribeca Enterprises Board and as Executive Vice President at EMI/Capitol Records.

“We’re very excited Deborah Dugan is coming to lead (RED),” said Bono. “She’s got firecracking energy, great creativity, and a hardcore business background -- all very good news for us and the wider global health community.”

In Deborah's own words, “I am energized and honored to lead (RED) at this exciting time for the organization and the fight to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We have in our sights a momentous goal – virtually ending mother-to-child transmission of HIV by the year 2015, which (RED) and its partner organizations will be working to help achieve. With the world’s most iconic brand partners and with one of the largest digital cause communities of 2.5 million, (RED) will be engaging young people in the fight in even more provocative and innovative ways and getting them to ‘be (RED)’ to trigger donations from our partners.”

Read the full Press Release here.

Apple (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition iPod models ..

Play more than music. Play a part.

Choose (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition iPod models and iTunes Gift Cards, and Apple gives a portion of the purchase price to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.

Sound effects.

You make choices every day, from the clothes you wear to the music you play. Now making a choice means making a difference. That’s because proceeds from every iPod nano sold go directly to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.

The Global Fund.

The numbers don’t lie: More than 3,600 people die every day from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, and more than 1,000 children are infected with HIV everyday. (PRODUCT) RED works with companies, like Apple, to create (PRODUCT) RED branded products and direct up to 50 percent of gross profits from the sale of those products to the Global Fund to help fund AIDS programs in Africa. Since its introduction, (PRODUCT) RED has generated more than $160 million for the Global Fund. And now you can make an impact by purchasing (PRODUCT) RED.
For further information about the Global Fund and (RED)™, visit JOINRED.com.
Buy iPod nano (PRODUCT) red

Are You the Next (RED) Digital Intern?

Do you want to put your digital skills to work at (RED)?
(RED) is seeking an energetic, passionate, social media obsessed Digital Intern based in New York during the fall of 2011. We’re looking for juniors, seniors, or 2011 graduates who can commit to a minimum of 4 days per week. World AIDS Day is on 1st December so it’s (RED)’s busiest time!

The intern will work with the (RED) Digital Team on a variety of creative projects.

The intern will:
· Assist with digital marketing, communications campaigns, and organization

· Create digital assets for (RED) properties and campaigns

· Update www.joinred.com via a Content Management System

· Research/utilize latest social media to engage and inform our supporters

Intern qualifications include:
· Addicted to social media: must use Facebook & Twitter. Uses of other social media/blogs a plus.

· Comprehensive digital design knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

· Love of music a plus.

· Excellent research and writing skills

· Organizational abilities and keen attention to detail

· Fluency in Microsoft Office Suite

· Ability to work in an energetic atmosphere and take direction

· Discretion and a professional demeanor

· Dependable and punctual

· GPA of 3.0 or higher

To apply, please send a resume and cover letter in one email to InternApplication@joinred.com  by 5:00pm (EST) on Friday, September 2, 2011:

This is an unpaid position.

Visit our website to learn more about (RED) - www.joinred.com

(RED) Word Cloud...

Over the weekend we asked you to send us one word about (RED). We were overwhelmed with the response and touched by some of the entries. So that you can enjoy your collective answer, we have created a (RED) word cloud which incorporates all your responses.
As we work towards making the possibility of virtually eliminating Mother to Child transmission of HIV in 2015 a reality, we were thrilled that the word associated most with (RED) is 'Hope'. It is empowering to know that you share our ambition. And our hope.

A R Rahman Foundation...

The vision of the A R Rahman Foundation is to strive towards making poverty history. As a first step towards achieving this vision, the foundation will set up educational institutions and provide world class, state-of-the-art infrastructure and education to underprivileged children who do not have the means to access & fund their education. This will equip them with knowledge and skill sets to pursue specialized higher studies that will provide them career opportunities to build a secure future for themselves and their families.
The Pray for me brother colouring books are now available for worldwide shipping through www.amazon.com

Volume 1
Click here to buy now ->

Volume 2
Click here to buy now ->

Volume 3
Click here to buy now ->

Volume 4
Click here to buy now ->

Volume 5
Click here to buy now ->

25th December, 2010
Worldlight, a project of Mr Selvakumar has recently released the official A R Rahman Foundation 2011 calendar.This calendar can be bought online through ebay and also at select retail outlets.
For more information, click here

25th December, 2009
A R Rahman Foundation releases Calendar 2010 A special 2010 calendar, produced by Worldlight, a subsidiary of Audio Media Education, in aid of the A R Rahman Foundation features pictures of the musical genius A R Rahman. The other significant feature of this desktop calendar is that it carries a number of thoughtful quotes from Rahman on universal themes such as Music, Language & Love.

17th November, 2007
New Delhi At his New Delhi Fever FM concert, A R Rahman released a coloring book for children. The coloring book will feature stories for children based on human values & spread the message of love & peace. A new story will be released every month. Each coloring book is priced at INR 99/- only and proceeds from sales will go towards the A R Rahman Foundation.
Pray For Me Brother Coloring Books Can Be Purchased Online Through www.a1books.co.in

22nd February, 2007
Mumbai A R Rahman released his first English single, 'Pray For Me Brother' at Welingkar College, Mumbai.
A few years ago, A R Rahman was appointed as the United Nations’ ambassador to spread awareness about the Millennium Development Goals. Thus the idea of an anthem to promote the message took shape. Rahman then teamed up with his singer friend Blaaze to develop the anthem and thus was born ‘Pray For Me Brother’. As they worked on the song, Rahman released that ‘Pray For Me Brother’ could play a much larger role, one that could spread the message of peace, love, brotherhood, caring & humanity and alleviate suffering & poverty. This also inspired Rahman to initiate the A R Rahman Foundation.

To learn more about the A R Rahman Foundation and how you can join hands to make a difference,
write in to foundation@arrahman.com


This week, for the third year in a row, (DELL)RED laptops are powering the social spaces at the brilliant TED Global conference. This year the topic for discussion is the Stuff of Life; from the secrets of the biological processes in our body to the cultural constructs in our society. And with 850 of the most influential change makers together in a room for a week, we hope they'll going to crack some of the biggest challenges facing society.

Inspired by this, we’re sharing some of our favorite TED talks this week. In this talk, Hans Rosling unveils stunning HIV data visuals to clarify the current situation:

Tell us what you think of the talk.

Munkashaf ( Ray of Light ) Supports Salman's Being Human Foundation....

This group is for all Salman Khan fans and also Non Salman Khan who support his foundation Being Human. Its an appreciation for the amazing work Salman does!! God Bless him!!
The latest incident notwithstanding, the actor is committed to philanthropy. Currently, he is in the process of setting up the website for his charitable trust, Being Human Foundation

The idea is to make money for charity from the website. "We'll be selling a lot of stuff like bracelets signed by me, my painting, sketches, the clothes that I've worn in my films. We'll put it all for sale and the proceeds will go for charity," he says.

Over the years, Salman has built a Good Samaritan reputation. He's worked extensively for cancer and AIDS patients. The actor admits that charity is a huge part of his life. "I'll do films idhar udhar but charity will be my priority. I've got so much and I want to give back something," he says.

The actor jokes that when he started out his career as a professional actor, his only ambition was to "have Rs 10 lakhs in my bank account." Now he wants to build a smooth running NGO that will take care of people who can't afford medical care. "It's not easy for a single person to do all this because the financial implications are huge so we will need the support of all my fans," he states.

And to make that happen the actor has lined up a host of activities. First up, is an annual award function to felicitate all those who will contribute to the Being Human Foundation. Salman's foundation is soon kick starting a program called 1 One wherein every day Re 1 will be deducted from a person's salary to get Rs 365 a year from one person.

"In this way we'll build a bank of people and use the collected funds to cure cancer patients. Here too the guarantee is that if a person who has donated money needs medical help and is unable to help himself then we'll give him the money from the 1 One funds," he elaborates.

The actor's big dream is to open hospitals, pharmacy companies and health care units. But Salman is very clear that he wants to do everything with complete transparency. "I've been conned a lot in the past and I don't want to be conned again," he rues. So if anybody comes to his foundation for medical or financial assistance then they have to be prepared for a thorough background search. The person's address will be verified and the doctors who serve in the Being Human Foundation will check the status of the illness.

In trademark Salman style he has the last word, "Before you ask me, I'm not doing all this to get into politics. I'm doing this because this is what I do."

Being Human Foundation's Main Objective is to help the needy people ! The founder himself Salman Khan Says '' If somebody is dying and money can buy him life , I would do that '

It is said that Salman Khan is man with a golden heart and one who never tires of doing charitable work. But now Sallu has decided to make it official and has launched the Being Human - Salman Khan Foundation.
Why launch a foundation when we all know that you are already doing so much charity?
You get so much in life. My house is not so big and I don’t have so many needs. Sometimes when you have an overflow of money it gets spent on parties so I rather give the money here. I used to do this earlier also but I was very embarrassed to talk about it but now I have started being human. So I’m going to show off and talk about it – kissi ko acha lage ya na achha lage. I just want people to know that if I can do it so can you. And that’s the reason why I have started this foundation.

You know people say that an actor doesn’t even stitch his own pocket … as in that we get everything and we don’t need to spend our money on anything. It’s only a case of in flow in an actor’s life and I want to turn this set concept around and I hope that I have so much money that it can benefit maximum number of kids and adults. And if doesn’t happen I will start extorting it!

The tag says being human. What does ‘Being Human’ mean to Salman Khan?
Being human for me is…being human. We all are human beings and I think we don’t do anything human to be human so you have to do something. I mean God gives you so much and you know eventually you need to start giving it back. Everyone does that, I’m sure, in some way or the other but I wanted to start this on my own for a long time now. But I just couldn’t find the time and I’m more inclined to this now.
Your first project was underprivileged kids seeing your movie Partner. Do you consider them your critics?
I feel really bad for people like Khalid Mohammad and all. (laughs) No seriously this movie is not meant for them… it’s a movie made for children! This is my audience. This is my achievement and this is my goal that people, little kids, little babies enjoy the movie and go back home. I’m in the entertainment business, you know. I don’t want to do serious cinema. I just want people to really laugh, enjoy and go back. I think with all the suffering and misery in the world it’s nice to make people laugh.

So if I want to give the Salman Khan Foundation some money can I just call you up?
(Laughs) I haven’t worked out the details yet. I mean if someone wants to help they can knowing that it’s going to go a right cause because I really don’t need to do any of that jhol. I mean I have enough… I am putting in my own money so why would I? I don’t have a huge staff so it’s like whenever I can help anybody I will do it. And if you want to put in money you are of course more than welcome to put in your own money!
Is it true that you are hoping to sell your paintings for the foundation?
Yes. I am also painting these days so I can then sell them and use the money for the Foundation. You know when someone starts a foundation like this he becomes a beggar. I am not a beggar. Till my hands, legs and mind are in working condition I will work and I will try and do as much as I can for this Foundation. I will put in as much money as I can afford to put in.

People say you have given Govinda a second lease in Bollywood with a role in Partner. What is your take on that?
No no… it’s not true. I am nobody to give him a second lease. He is one of the best actors turned politicians. So he is trying to do a lot of good in his own way. And he did do it. But eventually he has to come back to movies. He is an actor at the end of the day. A good script came up and I don’t think anyone could play that role but Govinda

The name Salman Khan sparks several images: his reluctance to wear shirts, his sculpted chest, his frequent run-ins with the law, his gorgeous ex-girlfriends, his good looks (voted by People magazine in 2004 as the 7th most good looking man in the world and the first in India), and his unquestionable status as one of three reigning Khans of Bollywood.

Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan was born on 27 December 1965 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh to Salma Khan and Salim Khan, a screenwriter who has to his credit several successful films like Sholay, Deewar, and Don. His step-mother is Helen, an actress and dancer famous for her blonde wigs and shimmies. He has two brothers Arbaaz and Sahil, who have also worked in Bollywood and two sisters Alvira and Arpita. His sister Alvira is married to Atul Agnihotri who was an actor before taking on the role of a director.

Salman has dated some of the prettiest faces of Bollywood like Somy Ali, Sangeeta Bijlani and Aishwarya Rai. His current partner is Katrina Kaif.

The Jailbird
Salman, when not wow-ing his audience on-screen, has managed to get into quite a few tangles with the law off-screen. In 1999, he was accused of shooting Chinkara, an endangered species during the shooting of Hum Saath Saath Hai and was awarded a jail term. After days spent behind bars and several appeals that were denied, he is currently out on bail. 

He was arrested for negligent driving on 28 September 2002, which resulted in the death of one person while three others were injured. Charges were dropped against the actor for homicide though other charges were leveled against him over this incident, still being battled in court.

He has also been at the receiving end of fatwas for permitting Madame Tussaud’s to make a wax statue of him and then participating in the Ganesh festival.

Aishwarya Rai’s parents had pressed charges against him for harassment after the couple broke up. In 2005, alleged tapes were released of Salman Khan threatening Aishwarya Rai to participate in events supported by the underworld. These charges were dropped as the tapes were found to be doctored.

The Actor
1988–1993 He played a supporting role in the film Biwi Ho Tho Aisi released in 1988.

It was followed by the extremely successful 1989 hit, Maine Pyaar Kiya, winning him the Filmfare Best Debut Award. This was followed by a string of films like Bhaaghi, Sanam Bewafa, Pathar Ke Phool, and Saajan, which did very well at the box office. The films released in 1992 and 1993 were pretty average. 

1994-1999 He came back to the top of the charts with his films Andaz Apna Apna with Aamir Khan and the opulent family drama Hum Aapke Hai Kaun opposite Madhuri Dixit, which is considered to be one of the biggest blockbusters of Bollywood. He played the role of Arjun in Karan Arjun with Shah Rukh Khan in 1995. Khamoshi-The Musical was the best of his 1996 films and was critically acclaimed. 1997 was again a bleak year for Salman. He made up for it in 1998 with Pyaar Kiya Tho Darna Kya with Kajol and his appearance in the hit Kuch Kuch Hota Hai as Aman, which won him the Filmfare Best Supporting Actor award.

In 1999, he co-starred with Karishma Kapoor in the hit comedy Biwi No.1. He starred with Aishwarya Rai and Ajay Devgan in the love story Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam which made waves in India and overseas. The film Hello Brother carried a family tag on it as he starred alongside his brother Arbaaz Khan and it was directed by his brother Sahil Khan.

2000-2009 Salman continued to churn out several films. Some did fairly well like Har Dil Jo Pyaar Karega in 2000 and Chori Chori Chupke Chupke in 2001, both films in which he worked with Rani Mukherji and Preity Zinta. None of his movies that came out in 2002 worked well. He made up for it with Tere Naam in 2003 that not only did well at the box office but his performance was appreciated widely.

He played the role of an AIDS patient in Phir Milenge that came out in 2004. The World Health Organisation commended the film for its portrayal of AIDS. Mujhse Shaadi Karoge in 2004, Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya? in 2005 and funnies like No Entry in 2005 and Partner in 2007 kept his fans hooked. His Hollywood venture with Ali Larter, Marigold: An Adventure in India flopped. He took over from Jim Carrey in God Tussi Great Ho in 2008, based on the Hollywood comedy, Bruce Almighty. He put in an appearance in Hello, which is adapted from Chetan Bhagat’s book, One Night at a Call Center. Salman Khan worked with Katrina in Yuvvraj but the movie didn’t work at the box office.

In 2009, he continued to host the television show, 10 Ka Dum. His performance in Wanted, a remake of Pokkiri, was praised. However, Main Aur Mrs Khanna and London Dreams failed to make a strong impact.

Thanks for Supporting " Being Human".........Munkashaf ( Ray of Light )...........


  "In Life go Straight & Turn Right"   
                                                   ----Salman Khan with Autograph.   

2011 Annual Letter from Bill Gates

Our Focus for 2011
This year we're focusing on vaccines, particularly the polio vaccine. Learn more about our work in this area, as well as HIV/AIDS, malaria, agriculture, and education.

Watch videos from Bill Gates, see a vaccine animation, learn about the polio fight in India, and more.

Track polio cases by country, follow a polio timeline, see the United States' ranking in education, and more.

On-Demand Webcast
Watch the recorded version of this event with Bill Gates, Diane Sawyer, and a panel of experts.

2011 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: Continuing the Conversation

2011 Annual Letter from Bill Gates:
Continuing the Conversation

Last year I launched www.gatesnotes.com and started a Twitter feed (@BillGates) to share my thoughts on the work we’re doing and what I’m learning from leaders and innovators. One great benefit of these tools is that they allow me to hear back from people. Over the next year I’ll be trying some new ways of adding interactivity to the site so I can get even more feedback. Melinda is also very interested in spurring a broader conversation about the issues she’s focused on at the foundation. Last year she started posting regularly to the foundation’s blog. She also hosted a terrific TEDx event (www.tedxchange.org/pastevents) in New York that brought together interesting speakers on global health and development. Next year, building on her relationship with TED, she’ll be hosting a series of “TEDxChange” events in communities around the world—in places like Kenya and India. The goal of these TEDxChange events is to give people a chance to hear about health and development from people who live in the places where the work is happening.
Despite government budget difficulties and the complexity of solving the key problems the foundation’s work addresses, Melinda and I remain optimistic. We meet so many remarkable leaders whose work is making the world a better place.
My father, our co-chair, set the foundation’s direction from the start and he always helps us keep in mind what is important. Jeff Raikes, our CEO, continues to add great people and improve the way we do our work. Not everyone can go to the field, or even donate. But every one of us can be an advocate for people whose voices are often not heard. I encourage everyone to get involved in working for solutions to the challenges those people face. It will draw you in for life.

Bill Gates
Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
January 2011
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