Tomorrow, November 8 2011, (RED) and are sister organization ONE will team up to join BabyCenter, BlogFrog and ABC’s Million Moms Challenge for the Baby Shower for Global Good.

The Baby Shower for Global Good is an 8-hour online party that will be held on Twitter (#AMillionMoms) and in the BabyCenter Community. This cross-platform party will showcase more than 10 non-profits and companies that are helping mothers and children around the world. Organizations such as World Vision, Save the Children, Every Mother Counts, UN Foundation and more will be sharing stories, giving away prizes, and providing educational information about a variety of topics from famine to health workers to children’s health. And ONE and (RED) will be there too!

(RED) and ONE will be the featured organizations from 10 a.m. ET to 11 a.m ET. We’ll be discussing AIDS and our upcoming World AIDS Day campaign. So, join us! We have lots of fun prize packs to give away and we promise you’ll leave inspired for what you can do to make an impact on World AIDS Day. To follow the party, follow the #AMillionMoms hashtag or join us at @ONECampaign.
See you tomorrow!
Lauren Balog, ONE.

P.S. Find (RED) on Twitter at @joinRED & ONE at @ONECampaign


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