Secretary Clinton - AIDS Free Generation....

Last week, on November 8, 2011, it was a great day in the (RED) office. We all listened and watched as Secretary Clinton called on the world to join the United States in working to achieve the goal of an AIDS Free Generation.

This is a goal that we are all focused on at (RED) with both our brand partners and our partners in the global health and advocacy community.

Every generation is known for something. (RED) wants to be part of the generation that delivers an AIDS FREE GENERATION by 2015. So what exactly does this mean?

1,000 babies are born with HIV everyday. Needlessly. It’s preventable. And we have a chance, for that number to be near zero by 2015.

(RED) welcomed Secretary Clinton’s powerful speech and the US government’s dedication to the fight against AIDS which you can watch here:

Through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and across the government, the United States is using science to guide policies, strengthen programs on the ground, and maximize the impact of U.S. efforts. Three key scientific interventions have been identified as pivotal: stopping mother-to-child transmission, expanding voluntary male circumcision, and scaling up treatment as prevention. When used in combination with each other, condoms and other prevention tools, these three interventions offer a historic opportunity to drive down the worldwide rate of new infection. With a focus on all three, we could start to see the beginning of the end of AIDS by 2015.

(RED)’s specific focus is on the prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to their babies. Today, 1 in 7 new infections worldwide occur through mother-to-child transmission. (RED), through the Global Fund, the recipient of (RED) monies, is focused on the eliminating new infections from mothers to their children by 2015.

We know we can do it and that it will take every single one of us to get there. We all have a role to play. Governments, global health organizations, businesses, faith leaders, non-profits and you. Secretary Clinton has stated the opportunity we have before us. To help make an AIDS FREE GENERATION a reality by 2015.

Let’s start this World AIDS Day – December 1st.

Join (RED) on Facebook where we’ll be breaking our World AIDS Day plans in the coming weeks.


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