A Mother with a Mission: Doris' Story

Doris and Michael at home in Ghana.

Doris is HIV positive and her son Michael is HIV negative thanks to treatment that prevented Doris from transmitting HIV to her son. Doris is busy raising her healthy and active 4 year-old boy. Michael enjoys playing football and reading books. When he grows up he would like to be a soldier, but Doris would prefer for him to be a pilot.

Doris serves as an advisor to the president of Wisdom Association, a Global Fund financed support group in Ghana. When Doris shares her story with newly diagnosed patients, she says “there is hope for people living with HIV; you can go on living, having families and working.”

Doris is a seamstress and jewelry maker by trade, she teaches other HIV positive individuals how to make bracelets so they can sell them as a means of generating income for themselves and the Wisdom Association.

Today, thanks to (RED)-funded Global Fund grants, mothers like Doris are getting access to treatment and are giving birth to healthy, HIV-free children like Michael. Every time you buy a (RED) product, you're joining the fight for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015.

Michael, Doris' HIV-free son in Ghana.


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