Our Approach: HIV/AIDS

Foundation Fact Sheet

Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

Grantmaking Areas

We also have a small Charitable Sector Support initiative.


  • Headquarters – Seattle, Washington
  • East Coast Office – Washington, D.C.
  • Avahan Initiative – Delhi, India
  • China Office – Beijing, China
  • Europe Office – London, United Kingdom


  • Bill Gates, Co-chair
  • Melinda French Gates, Co-chair
  • William H. Gates Sr., Co-chair
  • Jeff Raikes, Chief Executive Officer
  • Warren Buffett, Trustee
  • Allan C. Golston, President, United States Program
  • Dr. Tadataka “Tachi” Yamada, President, Global Health Program
  • Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President, Global Development Program
  • Richard Henriques, Chief Financial Officer, Operations
  • Connie Collingsworth, General Counsel
  • Martha Choe, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Geoff Lamb, Managing Director of Public Policy
  • Franci Phelan, Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Kate James, Chief Communications Officer
  • Dale Christian, Chief Information Officer
  • Patty Stonesifer, Senior Advisor to the Trustees
  • Global Development Program Team
  • Global Health Program Team
  • United States Program Team
  • Operations Team


Number of employees: approximately 858(1)
Asset trust endowment: $33 billion(1) (2)
Total grant commitments since inception: $22.93 billion (1)
Total 2009 grant payments: $3.0 billion

Geographic Reach

The foundation supports grantees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Internationally, we support work in more than 100 countries.
Illustrative Grant Commitments
  • The GAVI Alliance, expanding childhood immunization - $1.5 billion
  • United Negro College Fund, Gates Millennium Scholars Program - $1.37 billion
  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), improving seeds and soil for African farmers - $456 million
  • Rotary International, polio eradication - $355 million
  • PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) - $287 million
  • Save the Children, Saving Newborn Lives - $112 million
  • United Way of King County - $85 million
  • World Food Programme, increasing small farmer income -  $66 million
  • TechnoServe, helping small coffee farmers improve crops and fetch higher prices - $47 million
  • Heifer International, helping small farmers grow local and regional dairy markets - $43 million
  • Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), a coalition of countries from the developing world making savings accounts, insurance, and other financial services available to people living on less than $2 a day - $35 million
  • Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), testing and promoting the use of information and communications technologies to deliver microfinance products - $24 million
  • Achieve, Inc. and the American Diploma Project Network, assisting states in aligning high school standards with the expectations of college and career - $23 million
  • Opportunity Online Program, multiple library systems - $16.4 million
  • Opportunity International Inc., developing and expanding a network of commercial banks in Africa - $15.4 million
  • Gateway to College, expanding a program that enables colleges to serve students who need remedial academic help - $7.28 million
  • Building Changes, helping create the Washington Families Fund and supporting efforts in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties to reduce family homelessness - $17.5 million
(1) As of June 30, 2010
(2) Endowment includes $1.6 billion from the first installment of the gift from Warren Buffett recorded August 24, 2006, the second installment of $1.76 billion recorded on July 11, 2007, the third installment of $1.8 billion recorded on July 1, 2008, and the fourth installment of $1.25 billion recorded on July 1, 2009.

Fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic requires global coordination, and we’re working with partners around the world to strengthen efforts to prevent the disease. We support the following strategies:

Implement model programs for HIV prevention

Male circumcision, replacement therapy for intravenous drug users, youth behavior change, and counseling and testing are just some of the proven methods that can prevent HIV from spreading. We’re investing in comprehensive and effective HIV-prevention programs that will ensure that these methods are delivered to those in need.

Improve and develop safe, effective, and affordable prevention technologies.

Current non-vaccine biomedical approaches to HIV prevention, such as antiretroviral drugs, offer the promise of preventing infections, but more research and development is needed. Our goal is to develop or improve effective non-vaccine biomedical interventions for HIV prevention, namely male circumcision, vaginal microbicides, and pre-exposure prophylaxis strategies.

Develop an HIV vaccine

A vaccine against HIV could have the most profound effect on the AIDS pandemic. We’re supporting a range of efforts to apply new scientific knowledge and cutting-edge research techniques to create and evaluate novel HIV vaccine candidates.

Advocate for policies and financing

Globally, funding for HIV prevention is decreasing, particularly for vaccine research and development in light of recent failed trials. Our greatest long-term hope for stopping the epidemic lies in preventing new HIV infections through the discovery, development, and delivery of new prevention tools. We’re engaged in efforts to increase access to policies and strategies and additional funding for developing and delivering new prevention tools to save lives.


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